Protect Your Philodendron from Harsh Temps with These Simple Steps


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How many people have had a philodendron? These tropical beauties are a favorite among indoor plant lovers due to their lush leaves and low maintenance needs. However, to truly thrive, it’s essential to protect your philodendron from harsh temps. Even though they are hardy plants, extreme heat or cold can cause serious damage. In this guide, we’ll show you how to safeguard your philodendron and ensure it stays healthy no matter the climate.

Protect Your Philodendron from Harsh Temps in the Wild

Philodendrons are native rainforest plants, so they thrive in the heat and high humidity of temperature-controlled home conditions. This is especially helpful if you want to recreate the same conditions at home.

The Importance of Temperature in Philodendrons


Philodendrons are incredibly temperature-sensitive as they love tropical climates. Extreme cold can cause permanent damage to the leaves, while excessive heat can lead to dehydration. In short, getting the temperature right is crucial for your houseplant to flourish.

The Perfect Temperature for Philodendrons

Philodendrons prefer temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C – 27°C). Specifically:

  • Anything below 55°F (13°C) may cause the leaves to rot.
  • Temperatures above 85°F (29°C) can lead to dehydration.

Symptoms of Temperature Stress in Your Philodendrons

For more on this, check our previous article On Leaves Turning Yellow due to Temperature Stress. Signs of temperature stress include:

  • Leaves turning yellow
  • Wilting
  • Brown crispy edges

Quick Action Needed

If you notice these symptoms, take immediate steps to save your philodendron.

How Do I Protect My Philodendron from Harsh Temps in the Cold?

When the weather gets cold, especially during winter, protect your philodendron by:

  1. Pulling it away from drafty windows or doors.
  2. Adding an insulating layer of mulch or blankets around the roots.

Philodendron Care: How to Protect Your Philodendrons from Harsh Temps in the Heat

  • Misting the leaves to maintain humidity.
  • Regularly watering your philodendron.
  • Placing the plant in indirect sunlight to avoid leaf burn.

Protect Your Philodendron from Harsh Temps When It Gets Cold

If your philodendron is outdoors:

  1. Cover it with frost cloth or blankets at night.
  2. Move it indoors during extremely cold conditions.
  3. Use a humidifier for indoor philodendrons to maintain ideal humidity.

Effects of Air Conditioning on Philodendrons

Air conditioning doesn’t harm philodendrons directly, but it reduces humidity, which philodendrons need. To counter this:

  • Keep the plant out of AC drafts.
  • Mist with water multiple times daily.

Humidity and Temperature Control

Tropical plants like philodendrons love:

  • Warm weather
  • High humidity (around 60% humidity)

Winter Humidity: Protect Your Philodendron from Harsh Temps

Winter is typically colder and drier, so monitor humidity levels carefully to avoid stress on your plant.

Outdoors Philodendron Care Best Practices

  • Summer: Keep your outdoor philodendron in the shade, as it won’t survive intense heat.
  • Winter: Bring it indoors or into a greenhouse if temperatures drop below 55°F.

Location Importance Inside

  • Avoid placing your philodendron next to:
    • Southern-facing windowsills with direct sunlight exposure.
    • Drafty doors where temperatures fluctuate.
  • Choose spots with consistent room temperatures throughout the day.

Temperature Tools

Using the right tools can help manage temperature and humidity effectively:

  • Hygrometer: To monitor humidity levels.
  • Thermometer: To check room temperature.

Tool Tips

 If your plant starts showing unusual signs, such as yellowing leaves, use these tools to adjust its location or environment.

Philodendron Seasonal Care Tips

Winter Care: Protect Your Philodendron from Harsh Temps

  • Hold back on watering since philodendrons transpire less in winter due to lower sunlight.

Summer Care: Protect Your Philodendron from Harsh Temps

  • Increase watering and misting to compensate for high temperatures.

Seasonal Observations: Protect Your Philodendron from Harsh Temps

Adjust care based on seasonal changes, mimicking natural conditions for philodendron survival.

Common Temperature-Related Issues and Solutions

  • Cold Stress: Leaves turn yellow when exposed to chilling temperatures.
  • Heat Stress: Leaves burn due to excessive heat and prolonged sunlight.

Solution Summary

  • Cold: Move the plant indoors and insulate roots.
  • Heat: Mist leaves and provide shade.

Suggestions for Proper Philodendron Care

Keep it simple:

  • Maintain consistent temperature and humidity.
  • Use tools like thermometers and hygrometers for precision.
  • Monitor your philodendron frequently to catch issues early.


This guide has provided detailed advice on protecting philodendrons from extreme temperatures. Key takeaways include maintaining proper temperature, monitoring humidity, and adjusting care seasonally. Take sensible precautions and your philodendron will thrive, even in challenging climates.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the best temperature range for philodendrons?

The best temperature for philodendrons is between 65°F and 80°F (18°C – 27°C).

Can I leave my philodendron outside during winter?

 It’s best to bring them inside if temperatures drop below 55°F (13°C).

How can I tell if my philodendron is too cold?

Yellowing leaves, drooping, and slowed growth are signs your plant is too cold.

Do philodendrons like air conditioning?

No, AC can dry out the air, which may negatively affect your plant.

What happens if my philodendron gets too hot?

High temperatures can cause dehydration and scorched leaves.

Should I mist my philodendron in the summer?

Yes, misting helps increase humidity during hot weather.

What tools should I use to monitor my plant’s environment?

A thermometer and a hygrometer are great tools for tracking temperature and humidity.

How do I insulate my outdoor philodendron in the cold?

Use frost cloth or bring it indoors during cold nights.

Can extreme temperatures kill a philodendron?

Yes, both extreme cold and heat can lead to permanent damage.

What are signs of heat stress in a philodendron?

Wilting, dry leaf edges, and brown spots are common symptoms.

Does humidity affect temperature stress?

Yes, higher humidity can help philodendrons handle temperature fluctuations better.

Can I use a heater to protect my philodendron?

Be cautious with heaters, as they can dry out the air.

Where should I place my philodendron indoors?

Keep it in a room with stable temperatures, away from direct sunlight and drafts.

How often should I water my philodendron in winter?

Reduce watering frequency as the plant’s growth slows in colder months.

Can extreme temperatures affect philodendron growth?

Yes, extreme temperatures can stunt growth and cause other health issues.


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